CBSE : Date sheet for Class X and XII for Board Examinations -2025
Date Sheet Main Exam 2025
Subject: Date sheet for Class X and XII for Board Examinations -2025-reg
When declaring the results of examinations 2024, CBSE also announced that the examinations of both Class X and XII in 2025 will commence from 15.02.2025. Accordingly, the schools were requested to submit the List of Candidates for classes X and XII.
Date sheets can be accessed and downloaded from the CBSE’s official website,
![CBSE : Date sheet for Class X and XII for Board Examinations -2025]()
Based on the subjects offered by the students in the List of Candidates, CBSE has prepared the Date Sheet for the examinations scheduled from 15.02.2025. While preparing the Date sheet, the following has been taken into consideration: –
1. A sufficient gap has been given between two subjects generally offered by a student in both classes.
2. The date of conduct of entrance examinations meant for the students of Class XII have been taken into consideration and efforts have been made to complete the examinations much before the entrance examinations. This will help the students in better time management for both Board and entrance examinations
3. During evaluations, teachers of all subjects will not stay away from school together and for a longer period.
4. The date sheet has been prepared by avoiding more than 40,000 subject combinations to ensure that no two subjects’ examinations offered by a student fall on the same date.
5. The time of the start of the examinations will be at 10.30 AM (IST).
For the first time, the date sheets have been issued nearly 86 days before the start of the examinations. Also, when compared with the date of the issue of the date sheet of examinations-2024, this year, the date sheets have been issued 23 days in advance. This could have been possible because of the timely submission of LOC by the schools. An early release of the date sheet will have the following benefits: –
1. Students will be able to start their examination preparations well in advance which will help them overcome examination anxiety and improve their performance in the examinations.
2. Families of the students appearing in the examinations and the teachers will be able to plan their visits during the summer vacations keeping in view the examination dates and the evaluation schedule.
3. Teachers will not be away from their school for a longer time, hence, the studies of non-board classes will not be hampered.
5. The schools will be able to plan well for the Board classes.
6. The schools fixed as an examination centre will be having sufficient time to plan activities of their schools accordingly
Date sheets can be accessed and downloaded from the CBSE’s official website,
![cbse 1294411085157173]()